Lamaze Sit & Explore Garden Gym
Posted by Alessandra
Lamaze – Spin & Explore Garden Gym
When I was working full time in San Francisco I was given the advice to buy everything I can now while I am making money for my son so I can then have it for my 2nd child too. So that is how my addiction started to buying and researching everything when it came to babies. Some mothers love to buy clothes but I actually love buying developmental toys and also gadgets. So knowing this piece of information I made sure to shop for ALL the latest at the time (Maxx was born in January 2005). Funny thing is now that I have Alexa (Alexa was born November 2006) not a lot of new things have come out. So I was pretty proud of myself at the time. Well with a little more research though I have found a few things that weren’t available at the time and obviously I went out and bought :)
So the Spin & Explore Garden Gym is one of the things I bought. Alexa was 6 weeks premature (were blessed that she had no complications and was only in the NICU for 24 hours for observation) so I am determined to make sure she is developing properly (no different than any other mommy) and making sure she gets as much stimulation and exercise as possible. When I first received the package I was so excited – a bit scared though that it would be huge and I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t at all. The Matt is just a simple but colorful matt. The spinner is separated and just lies on top of the matt. No assemble needed either. It is really pretty and colorful, which made me feel that it would really be great for Alexa. Well Alexa so far has liked it for about 3 to 5 minutes at a time. She then gets super tired and starts crying. So its not one of those toys you can leave your kid on while you make and drink a cup of coffee. You have a limited time and I actually don’t feel like you can really walk away from your baby especially if they have started to roll. So overall I am pleased with it but know its limits. I also wish it had a little carrier so you can put it away nicely or take it with you to someone’s house. So as far as I am concerned this product gets a 4.2 rating out of a possible 5.
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